This is the second year that I have come up with my “Word of the Year”. I have shared with you that my word for 2018 was “Balance” and my problems with it as we approached the fall. Because of my recent fail, I was on the fence about having a word define my year and intentions for a whole 365 days. Then the perfect word hit me! VALUE! Yes, I love it, and I’ll tell you why.
You are valuable, I am valuable, our time is valuable, and we deserve for everyone to recognize this.
I even ordered an engraved bracelet to remind me on a daily basis.
Value for my kids
The biggest, most important job I will ever hold is raising my kiddos and making them into upstanding members of society. They need my love, time and attention. Daily valuable time is necessary.
Value for you
This blog is for you! You need to find value in my tips, tricks, recipes and overall support. Please let me know what value you are looking for from me.
My time is valuable
Because I want to be present for my kids, my work day is typically 9:30-2:00 three days a week. Sometimes I can sneak in a little work between when my two oldest go to school before my babe wakes up. The afternoon is dedicated to them and completely slips away with snacks, homework, after school activities and dinner. When I was a mom of 2, I could stay up until 11 each night and complete household tasks. When my third was born, that all went out the window. I am exhausted by the time the kids go to bed. It is so important to do things of high value the 4 hours of quiet time I have during the day.
Value for my family
We are going on 8 years of me being a stay at home mom. While there is no doubt that I have always created value for my family, this year I will provide more monetary value for the household. It’s time for this mama to have a new car. I love my car because it is spacious, comfortable and safe, but she is not so pretty anymore and is ready to retire. Me paying for another car is a goal for 2019.
I need value in return
It seems that I say “Yes” way too much. I want to be at every vendor event, mastermind, networking event and training that I can get my hands on these days. Can you tell that I have major issues with FOMO? I love meeting new people and learning as much as can about them. Truth is: not all these events are created equal. This year I will spend more time researching events that I attend and making sure that they are high value.
Having a word bring me back into focus when I go astray. Do you have a word for the year? I would love to hear it.
That’s a great word to focus on! I think my word for the year might be Joy. I need to remember to find joy in the small things- with my kids, my family, my job. Some days it might be just finding joy in being able to drink a cup of coffee in peace. I have a bracelet engraved with “Choose Joy” and I almost got rid of it, but I thought I should keep it because I need the gentle reminder.
Definitely keep the bracelet. We all need gentle reminders!
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